Our Diablo – The Case For Shuttering California’s Last Nuke


On Saturday, May 9th the Malibu Democratic Club hosted an amazing series of presentations concerning the Diablo Canyon Nuclear plant, the menace it poses to Southern California and the need to bring its generating days to a end and begin its decommissioning.

The Center for Populist Urban Politics is grateful it had the opportunity to record this important event. This movie is Part 1 and covers the formal presentations. The presenters included:

Diablo Canyon Presenters
Presenters & Organizers

Linda Seeley, Mothers for Peace
Paul Frey, Wine maker and anti-nuclear activist
Donna Gilmore, San Onofre Safety.org
Richard Mathews, scientist and President of North Valley Democratic Club

The event was moderated by the legendary long term anti-nuclear activist Harvey Wasserman.

diablo canyon harvey wasserman
Harvey Wasserman

These are highly informative presentations made with eye to providing activists the requisite technical as well as tactical information needed to bring about the decommissioning of California’s last nuclear power station.

In closing, a special thanks to Myla Reson for organizing the event and Ann Doneen, President of Malibu Democratic Club for hosting the event.

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