Thomas Paine and His Importance to Progressives


The Center for Populist Urban Politics had the pleasure recently to sit down with actor, Ian Ruskin who is preparing to begin film production of his one-man play entitled “To Begin the World Over Again: the Life of Thomas Paine”. In his pursuit to create the most authentic depiction of Thomas Paine possible, Ian has devoted years of study to the man, the times and the events that shaped Paine’s philosophy on politics, economics, foreign policy and more.


Thomas Paine was a product of the age of enlightenment and probably the most influential of our founding fathers when it came to shaping the common man’s views on personal freedom and democracy. Thomas Paine’s take on the role and responsibility of government, personal liberty, and the importance of reason above all else should sit comfortably in Progressive circles today.

We really think you are going to enjoy this short but information rich interview with Ian. If afterward you would like to attend the live filming on March 3rd or would like to in some way contribute to bring Ian’s play on Thomas Paine to the masses, please check out his website at

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