There is no majority of citizens in the world that supports increasing immigration levels to their home nation, a Pew Research Center study reveals.
The research found that of the 27 nations surveyed, not a single one supported increasing immigration by a majority. In fact, less than 15 percent of the median total of the 27 nations’ citizens supported plans to increase immigration.
Meanwhile, 12 of the nations held majorities that supported reducing immigration, including Greece, Hungary, Italy, Germany, Israel, Russia, and South Africa. Greece and Israel have the largest majorities of citizens who support cutting immigration.
Pew Research asked people in 27 countries if they wanted their country to accept more or fewer immigrants… every country preferred less over more
— Ryan James Girdusky (@RyanGirdusky) December 10, 2018
Only three countries of the 27 had citizen majorities that supported current immigration levels, including the United States, though it is unclear if Pew Research told U.S. citizens surveyed the number of immigrants admitted annually.
In polls where Americans are told the number of legal immigrants admitted every year — 1.5 million — they overwhelmingly support reducing immigration levels to raise the wages of workers and stop job displacement.
When Americans get to choose how many immigrants they want added a year to the U.S. population, about 6-in-10 favor a national immigration policy that admits anywhere between 500,000 to zero immigrants a year — indicating massive support among U.S. citizens for at least halving immigration to America.
Even without potentially being told current mass legal immigration levels, there are more Americans who told Pew Research Center pollsters that they want less immigration, 29 percent, than those who said they support more immigration, 24 percent.
The Pew Research survey comes as the United Nations’ “Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration” is set to be agreed upon by much of the Western world. President Trump removed the U.S. from the global pact last year, saying that it is not in American citizens’ interests to agree to mass immigration from across the globe.
Other countries that have joined the U.S. in opposing the mass immigration pact include the Czech Republic, Austria, Poland, Hungary, Israel, and Australia. Both Switzerland and Italy are expected to also oppose the pact.
Similar polling from Pew Research Center found a correlation between attitudes towards immigrants, themselves, and a nation’s immigration levels, Breitbart News reported. The survey found that in countries like Japan — which has zero net immigration — citizens have positive views towards immigrants.
In 2017, the legal and illegal immigrant population reached a record high of 44.5 million. By 2023, NumbersUSA estimates that the U.S. population will boom to 404 million residents due to continued legal immigration levels and immigrants will make up about 15 percent of the entire American population by 2023.
John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder.
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