Tag Archives: COVID

Interview With Dr. Steven Hatfill – Are We More or Less Prepared for The Next Pandemic?

On Saturday, March 19, 2022, we had the opportunity to visit for a second time  [...]

Ten Requirements to Improve America’s Trust In Government

Dr. Anthony Fauci, Chief Medical Advisor to the President of the United States, has decided  [...]

Congress, Don’t Be So America Last!

Late Friday evening, the House Judiciary Committee unveiled the immigration provisions they’d like inserted into  [...]

Despite Pandemic, International Student Enrollment Endures

Amidst COVID-19 chaos and confusion, the new academic year has started. At some institutions, weekly  [...]

Open Borders, COVID, Crime, Amnesty

The existing open border between Mexico and the United States, plus an amnesty for several  [...]

Southern California’s Neoliberal Impacts During the Pandemic

I live in Southern California, where generations of my family have lived since the 1880s.  [...]

Top Priority: Protect The Productive Class

The next few weeks will tell whether the United States is a serious nation that’s  [...]

Unemployment, Bankruptcies Grow; Is Kushner Still All-In on Guest Workers?

A persuasive argument can be made that President Trump’s most trusted White House confidant is  [...]

Covid-19 What should be the national priority

We are in the seventh week of the first outbreak of the COVID-19 virus in  [...]

Relearning the lessons of 1918 in 2020

More than 100 years ago, a worldwide pandemic moved from China to the entire Western  [...]

COVID-19 Means A Worldwide Lessening Of Religious Fantasy

Pope Francis has been pictured defying Italian government advice as he walks through the empty  [...]

Aloha State Will be Years in Recovering from COVID-19

The coronavirus pandemic, and the Hawaiian government’s response to it, has devastated the state. If  [...]

California’s Residential Property Warehousing Bill

Steven and Kevin discuss how Southern Californians are dealing with the coronavirus before discussing CA  [...]

Sen. Graham’s EB-5 Proposal Exposes Him as Immigration Expansionist

Former U.S. Rep. Joe Wyatt, a Texas Democrat, has a great line that exposes the  [...]

Coronavirus Doing What Feds Won’t, Shutting down Birth Tourism Hotels

The coronavirus may end up being the vehicle that shuts down fraudulent birth tourism hotels,  [...]

Borders? We Don’t Need No Stinking Borders!

It’s rather startling that not more has been said about the suspension of flights to  [...]