Tag Archives: Coronavirus

Crimes Against Humanity

The U.S. Military has a legal theory dating back to the Civil War related to  [...]

Relearning the lessons of 1918 in 2020

More than 100 years ago, a worldwide pandemic moved from China to the entire Western  [...]

Trump’s Golden Opportunity to Defend American Workers

The Trump administration has an historic opportunity to find out, once and forever, if Silicon  [...]

Neither Coronavirus nor Soaring Unemployment Stops Immigration

If President Trump is, as he claimed, leading “America’s all-out war” against the coronavirus, he  [...]

COVID-19 Means A Worldwide Lessening Of Religious Fantasy

Pope Francis has been pictured defying Italian government advice as he walks through the empty  [...]

Aloha State Will be Years in Recovering from COVID-19

The coronavirus pandemic, and the Hawaiian government’s response to it, has devastated the state. If  [...]

California’s Residential Property Warehousing Bill

Steven and Kevin discuss how Southern Californians are dealing with the coronavirus before discussing CA  [...]

Hawaii’s Earth Day Challenge: Balance Tourism with Environmental Practices

Having just spent the better part of three months in Hawaii, I found the state  [...]

Coronavirus Doing What Feds Won’t, Shutting down Birth Tourism Hotels

The coronavirus may end up being the vehicle that shuts down fraudulent birth tourism hotels,  [...]

Borders? We Don’t Need No Stinking Borders!

It’s rather startling that not more has been said about the suspension of flights to  [...]