Tag Archives: birthright citizenship

Pregnant Moms at the Border; Mass Migration’s Societal Consequences

President Biden’s welcome-the-world border policy presents graver challenges than just admitting an estimated 10 million  [...]

With Borders Open, Evacuees Incoming, SCOTUS Must Rule on Birthright Citizenship

The rush to resettle thousands of Afghan evacuees and the Southwest border bungling prove one  [...]

Coronavirus Doing What Feds Won’t, Shutting down Birth Tourism Hotels

The coronavirus may end up being the vehicle that shuts down fraudulent birth tourism hotels,  [...]

Birthright Citizenship and its Cousin Birth Tourism under Administration’s Microscope

Amidst Washington, D.C.’s impeachment hysteria, the Trump administration has taken aim at the lowest hanging  [...]

More Employment-Based Visas Swiftly Approved, E-Verify Stuck ‘on the Table’

This weekend, President Trump, frustrated with her ineffectiveness, asked for and received the resignation of  [...]